
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


6.30 a.m - Time jam i nak berbunyi2 ! (snooze kn jer) ... nantok !

6.49 a.m - Celik2 jer mata, see zariah already took her bath. ' aaaiiiiiii ! za dah mandi ? kol bape dah nih ? ( i terkejut dalam jaga. )

6.50 a.m - Lari2 g amek towel n ZOOM terus ke bilik air n take my fresh shower . lalalala haven ! ^_^

7.10 a.m - kuar bilik air tgk za dah sambung titon balik upanyer. i pun siap2kan diri, cari baju per nak pakai tok hari niwh. hurmmmm cari punyer cari, telah terdetik dihati, baju kelabu, present from my auntie become my dress today. Jeans levi's pula menjadi pilihan tok di matchkan plak ngan blause zara. cool ! nice dress today !

7.15 a.m - hurm tudung plak jadi masalah.. nak pakai tudung per erk ngan baju niwh ?tudung putih?. yang manik putih niwh...? hurm. x sesuai lah..

may be yang niwh, manik maroon. hehehe

7.17 a.m - alamak suma tak gosok lagi ! ( g kat hall nak iron tudung . huh ? alahai ada zana plak ngah iron baju.. ' zana lepas ko habiz ko panggil aku erk ' ( i pun masuk bilik semula)

7.18 a.m - hurmm... list nama part 5, x photostat lagi ! ( bukak ladtop, kuarkan printer.) tit ! on


7.21 a.m - zzzzzzt....zzzztttt...zzzztttt ( my printer work by it self ). eh ! paper per plak yang

terprint niwh? ( i try to stop it )... push my hand to cancel button...

error plak... i off the printer n on back. zzzzzttt......zzzzttttt...zzzzttt alahai jadi

lagi...... adooooiiii tekanan betol ! i off back my printer and on back, skali... my printer

offline plak ! hurmmm ( tekanan semakin hangat !) ok lek.... sabar...

7.45 a.m - last alternative. off my printer, restart my ladtop... (take few second on this process.)

while waiting, i g kat hall blek, ingat nak gosok tudung yang dah ditnggalkan tok

digosok selepas zana. (sampai kat hall)..... huh ? echah plak guna ? adoooiyaiiii.....

kena tunggu turn lagi... dah lah printer buat hal.... takper ... 'echah pas ko guna panggil

aku yerk. (menuju ker bilik ngan sayu )

7.49 a.m - masukkan pasword on my ladtop.. ok on back printer.. ok doing my job in copying the list name. yeah ! finally done !

7.50 a.m - hurm hari niwh nak jumpa supervisor, better bawak chapter 2 punyer article.

huuuuu ! belum print lah .... ok go back n print... tgh2 print, something happen lagi...

INK PRINTER HABIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... AAAAAAAARRRRRghhhhhhhhhhh !!!

tension betol... dah lah lambat niwh dah pukul 7.50 dh.... adoooiiii, tudung tak gosok

lagi, huhhhhhhhh..... takper, isi ink baru dulu... ok skrg print...... zzzzzttttt....zzztttt..

till 17 page, ok done !

7.54 a.m - ok kemas ladtop n printer. tudung !!?

suma org dah siap, mcm mana ngan tudung i, tak sempat gosok lagi niwh, i dah lambat !!

HUUUU..... nasib baik za dah tolong gosokkan. TERIMA KASIH KAK ZA ! ^_^

8.05 a.m - ok finally siap nak g class...... alamak ! dah lambat niwh karang nak tempoh traffic jam lagi.. huiiii.....

8.10 a.m - ok kengkawan jom !

8.11 a.m - start engine kete,,, tunggu seminit.. ! kasi engine panas dulu... :p

8.12 a.m - ok gerak !

8.20 a.m - (phone za berbunyi )........ Tobi yang call....

8. 26 a.m - zariah : na...... tobi kata suma keta kena g padang kawad !

me : eh? ' ngaper lak za ?

zariah : tobi kata big suprise !

8.30 a.m - aku masuk kawasan campus, " P, keta pelajar padang kawad " ada sign board kat dpan...

prriiittttt ! pak guard mainkan peranan.... sana ! sana !

8.35 a.m - I yang mematuhi undang2, go straight to padang kawad. park my car there. tunggu

bus ? huh ? tunggu BUS ? BUS ?????????? ( dalam keadaan x percaya) biar betol ! dah naik keta then kena tunggu bus ?

apa yang merepek campus niwh buat? baik tak yah nek keta... menyusahkan.. dah

lambat, nak tunggu bus lagi, sian zana dah lah ada test... !

8.40 a.m - g jumpa pak guard "encik ngape nih? kitaorg da test, lambat lah kitaorg....

guess wut the encik buat ... he just smiling back to us ! JUST SMILING !!!

encik nak bagi kitaorang markah ker ? know what he react ? again "JUST


8.50 a.m - i naik bus, ngan muka marah ! sampai kat class, i dah lambat, lecturer usha jer.... padahal dalam hati, i marah nak mati, what kind of action that they are doing, buy putting

people in late to class. what is the function by brought in the car to the campus but park at other places that too far from fac, and waiting for the bus ? what that ? is that something

unreasonable... make student unmotivated to go to class due of mind touchering...

pagi2 plak tuwh ! tension jer...

kesimpulannyer hari nih adalah hari yang sangat memenatkn ! apa motif perkara diatas dilakukan ? kenapa tiada notis pemberitahuan diadakan ? ada kah kami yang tidak peka ? atau ada notis tapi tidak dipublistikan untuk suma ? siapa yang patut dipersalahkan ? apa yang perlu diperbaiki ? bertimbang rasa dah berpikirlah untuk kebaikan bersama... be friendly environment in campus in order to make everyone motivated. pikirlah untuk kebaikan suma pihak.. bukan beberapa pihak sahaja.....tekanan yang dikenakan adalah pada student ! student tertekan , result tertekan, result tertekan, prestasi campus tertekan. it show that one efected, everyone will be effected. ! renung2 kan lah !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Life in PART 5 !

Biler dengar jer part 5, everyone will say, "waaaahhhh dah nak habis dah" final year lah katakan... but guess wut. for me, part 5 not show me the end, but it is just start to begin the new episode of tragedy..
Being part 5 student in my course (BAS), it is something like mind touchering, u had a lot of work to do, many assigment, research here and there, tutorial assg, campus xtvty and many things.
In the beginning of semester 3 and 4, life is much easier than now. apa taknyer dulu, every night hah! melepak jer kat "mapelay", tgk tv, wayang apa ntah lagi, n sempat gak singgah umah wan kat sek 2, but now, hurm.... it is very difficult to do all those thing. sekarang niwh... habis jer class for sure that must be something work to do at home and finish it. no rest frenz !
This sem i got research study, huh.. this work need a lot of patience and understanding.. hari2 ada jer work need to be redo... this very tough, sometimes like i ask my self y should i take this???... aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh ! but now, i need too, to make sure i get my degree. this sem give a lot of tension on me... parah !
Thank god i have my frenz that always encourage me to be relax and cool. life is become more difficult and difficult, we need to treasure for it if we want it. so i take this word to make my self to still alive in this semester. i need some motivation and advise from many people in order to relief my stress. even it is just a simple work, but from small thing it can be worst, i dont want to be worst, so i need to find a solution to make my self win and the sress is gone.
Part 5 make me become weaker than before, many subject taken in part 5, a lot of them is very tough, but one i like in part 5, i like project management subject, both my lecturer for lecture and tutorial is cool, everything that they teach me is easy to be understood and the way they delivered the knowledge very smooth and clear.. they are not too rushing, understand the student very well and put their concern on the student. that what make me love to go to the class. There are some subject make me difficult to understand n looks like very complex for me such as KM. i need more time to read and understand it but to learn that subject is very good for my future, so i dont care about that so much as long as i study, but the problem here, i dont have enough time to make my revision or my own notes sometimes, coz many work given and need to be finished. so this are killing me sometimes.
part 5 is a nightmare for me! i dont want it to be end with a nightmare. i want it need to be the happiest thing happen in my life. Is it IMPOSSIBLE ? help me with that. :(