Ok as i promise in the last entry, that i will upload some picture about our trip at Pangkor kan? So here we goes.. !!!
Perancangan awal untuk bercuti di Pangkor ni sebenarnya adalah perancangan yang "SANGAT last Minit", coz they all nih janji nak p bercuti kat Lumut aje....What????? LUMUT je??? (in my thinking with weirdo face)... "ada apa kat Lumut??" hurmmm then suddenly while waiting my brother settle up all his thing, and waited my SIL friends, then, they make decision on that moment jugak yang finally we are going to Pangkor!!! Haaaa finally they read my mind.. KIH KIH KIH... ya la.. truly i said ada apa kat lumut for holiday kan..?
So we moved on at noon and sampai agak petang jugak lah.. we all pergi 2 kereta, and then park jer kat Lumut yang dekat ngan jetty tuh.. Cost for the parking RM10 for a day... settle saja parking terus gerak ke JETTY for taking our ferry untuk ke Pulau... Sementara nak pegi beli tiket ferry tuh, ada sorang Mak cik nih "agent lah sebenarnya pun" dia tanya kitaorg dah ada tempat tinggal ker..? so actually mmg dah booked, tp sajalah gatal-gatal nak tanya makcik tuh kalo ada better offer, then Alhamdulillah she gave us a better price for the same place.. So kitaorg amek utk stay 2 malam di Coral Bay resort, and we all took apartment with 3 bedrooms 2 nite just only RM500.. Ok lah tuh kan?? siap ada swimming pool with slide for adult and kids.. So this place are recommended to stay if u wanted too. Kalo uoolls x booked hotel tok pegi sini pun xper , sbb masa kat jetty nanti mmg banyak agent yang offer good price n boley dipercayai *sbb i dah ricky2 polis kat sana tanya pasal agent2 nih* hehehe... -precaution is better than cure kan- so kena lah tanya dulu...
So ni sebelum naik ferry untuk ke Pulau, tiket ferry x ingat lah bape hengget.... tp Kalo x silap murah jer dalam 10 hengget pegi balik kot.. hahahah Seriusly x ingat coz i didn't pay for that.. "Ditanggung oleh kakak iparku" Thank you Kak ngah.. (^_^)"
Masa nih semua org keluar dok kat blakang ferry coz its open air.. Bley buat mcm titanic scene gitu.. Sila depa tangan and angkat ketiak suma orang yer... hehehe.. Angin dia plak jangan cakap lah kan.. mmg boley kasi rambut uolls yang panjang mengilai tuh bertebangan dengan bebas..
Sempat jugak snap gambar dalam ferry sebelum keluar pegi kat blakang ferry.. Aqilah so excited wanted to followed the others going outside... never thinking anymore about the picture.. hahaha..
Pemandangan di luar Bot... serius sangat huge and better to stay outside than inside.. sbb boley tgk pemandangan laut, bukit bukau suma.. it was good creature... Baru lah kita tau tentang keindahan ciptaan Ilahi tau..
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Suka dengan budak chomey nih.. Macho rite??? he so so so damn nice n cute.. |
Sampai saje kat Resort.. Berehat sekejap, checking all the rooms, change our cloth then apa lagi, jom lah reramai terjun KOlam... hahahaha... we was lucky because during that time it was weekdays so orang x ramai sangat, dua tiga kerat jer, so apa lagi buat kolam tuh mcm kitaorg yang punyalah.... See this two adorable baby, syiokk men air kan..?? seriusly it was fun!!
So for the second day plak.. Pepagi suma org dah bangun... we having some breakfast dulu, then terus bergerak mencari kereta sewa and bring us pusing2 around the island.. Cost for the "pink van" murah jer... RM 80 hengget pusing satu pulau.... So antara tempat2 yang dibawa:
Kilang satay ikan:
Xtau nak shopping apa, Aqilah feels so bored with all the stuff and finally fall asleep... heheeh
Ce tengok kak Liza shopping.. penuh bakul beb! alot ! alot! alot! of makanan... My brother dah xmampu nak ikut rentak org pompuan, so he just waited for giving money jer lah tuh.. dah siap tunggu kat kaunter tau! baguih!
Tembok Besar Cina
Dekat sini, uolss boley tengok beberapa ekor ikan yang besar2.. seriusly is big than u guys... so it can be considered yang Ikan tuh dah tua lah kan... ??? it is so big.. a giant fish ok!, other than that, kalo rasa2 nak tgk tembok besar cina tuh mcm mana rupanya, boley lah datang kat sini n tgk jer miniature of that monument kat sini.. lebey kurang je beb.. so at least kalo org tanya.. tau gak lah nak jwab cmne kan.. heheh...
Kota Belanda
si kecik yang chomey nih di paksa photoshoot for uollss... hehehe
Selesai melawat all the place yang ada kat pulau nih then, petang tuh, balik semula ke resort, rehat2 skjap and making appoinment with the boat plak untuk pusing sekitar pulau memalui laut n snorkeling around 3pm mcm tuh... So jadual for that day agak pack jugak lah but it was fun and memorable...
Seperti yang dijanjikan, kitaorg naik bot pusing2 satu pulau.. package for this trip x hengat lah bape.. but below RM200, kalo x silap around 170 je kot.. hahahah... ok lah skali with snorkeling..
*oopss lupa, topi kiatorg suma ditaja oleh kak liza dibawah naungan Coca Cola gitu*
Antara tempat yang dilawati:
1. Pangkor Laut (just for honemooners saja.. 1 malam RM1000 ok..)
2. Satu-satunya obor2 yang ada kat pulau nih.. dia jaga pulau nih kot.. lek jer uncle nih pegang pakai tangan.. and we also do the same.
3. See that rock, uncle tuh kata rupanya mcm epal..
kat sini banyak lagi benda ada, tp sbb keterujaan yang sangat tinggi dengan xplaination oleh uncle nih, sampai lupa nak snap picture.. so kalo uolls nak tau apa, sila lah melawat pangkor yer.. so who said pangkor takde apa... there are something there....
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its snorkeling time |
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she love me!!! |
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Aqilah with her papa... relax lah pa.. x men lah pakai life jacket... x cool lah... see me without it.. ok jer.. hahahah |
So after done everything, shopping, jenjalan pusing satu pulau, mandi manda n snorkeling... on that nite its time for relaxing and charging energy for balik KL semula esoknya.. But sebelum balik KL tuh sempat jugaklah pegi kenduri kawen di Kuala Selangor... hebat kan percutian nih.. serba lengkap...
So that it about our starting holiday for 2012... It was fun, great and awsome.. x memerlukan cost yang tinggi untuk bergembira.. yang penting kena pandai menyusun aktiviti and buat sedikit kajian about ur trips.. so Everything will going well... So kalo rasa nak pegi ke sini, boley lah pegi tempat2 yang di tunjukkan di atas yer... have fun everyone and thanks for ur time..
Chaowz.. *happy moment*