
Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year !

owla... is new year time .. dah masuk 2009 dah, tapi perasaan tak org kiter zaman sekarang lebey memeriahkan new year dari awal muharram.. Mana yang lebey patut kiter gah kan erk?
urm neway korang pikir lah sendiri k.. all u guys have the answer rite ?
tahun 2009 niwh mulalah episod baru untuk i mulakan...
hope it gonna be better than the previous year... i wanna get a better result this year n do more best for this time..
i got another year to struggle my study before i through another episode of my life..
This year gonna be difference, coz i got my sister to stay with me in my new home, then my responsbility will be more ( to take care of her).. hopefuly kitaorg xde gadoh2... hahhahaha...
sem niwh i gonna be part 5.. n lots of my subject got lab class... ooohhhhh..... reallly tens... huh !
but can't judge in a first time lah kan, coz not start the class yet... heheh
i'm in dilemma to choose, either MC or SOCSO... huhuhuh...
which one is better erk ?... want to get urban class but the class already fulled, tension gler....
neway mad with somebody about that... (very selfish) always think about her/his self only..
patut ker buat mcm tuh.. ntah pape ntah...
but neway, apa jugak yang i take, i'll do my best... insyaallah..
i just moved in to my new house, this house is really great... love it so much...
feel like home... hehehhe...
xder r nanti rasa mcm nak balik selalu, coz dah rasa niwh mcm kat umah.. hurm...
all my house mate also ok... so hopefully it gonna be no probs in future... hurmm..
but i sedey gak r sikit, coz terpaksa let my dad stay home alone, dulu masa cuti i ada umah, ley gak teman dia, masak suma, but now, when my class started, terpaksa berjauhan, mesti abah sangat sunyi... hukhuk.. sayang abah selamanyer.... mmmmuuuuaaahhh !!!!!
hehhe k.. hope all people around me got what they wish for this new year ...
so last but not least...
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 !!!!

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