On 26th Nov 2010, my office send some of their
staff to joint the revive program anjuran
revive n some others sponsor including
MPPD. It was held on friday n saturday last week..
This was a good program to be joined by everyone especially teenagers.. We can clean up our sea just for our self use aite? so bagus lah prog mcm niwh diadakan.. The Event was started at 8 am till nite.. ada laser show at nite.. and it is one an only laser that have in
Asia.. hebat kan..
unbelieveable!!! tp bile tgk mlm tuh, biasa jer lasernya.. nothing special pun.. heheh (jgn marah revive) anyway good effort lah...
Prog yang diadakan boleh dikatakan baru lagi di anjurkan oleh revive so kire boleh lah kalo nak diberi pujian, but they need to uprgrde something here n there to make the prog become more better. since diorg buat prog dr pagi sampai malam.. aktiviti yang dijalankan agak longgar.. bnyak masa yang terbiar without any good activities, so this become a tendecy for many people to go back. Jadi untuk mencapai sasaran mereka seramai 3000 org sangat lah susah untuk dicapai kalo aktiviti yang dijalankan kureeeng...
even for me, after a few minute waiting n nothing to do, i also back home n sleep.. lagi njoy kan.. hahahahah.. dr segi makan is good.. nice breakfast n lunch, but kalo bley lunch bg lah nasi..
hehheh kalo bley lah.. the
mud ball event was great.. i like it so much.. sronok campak mud dalam laut, tp keberkesanan mud, i dunno lah if it can help to clean up our sea.. but hopefully it can lah kan...
So for all. it was a nice event.. thanks to everyone who was involve themselves to clean our PD sea at Teluk Kemang.. thanks to all and also to my
little sister yang sudi temankan kakaknya pegi ke prog tuwh.. tq so much.... JASA MU DIKENANG YERRR... PEACE!
Here some pic at the events:-
During registration, dpt goody bag tau! TQ ReViVE!!! |
Here the goody bag.. |
i have one tooo!! |
Lapar.. breakfast dulu |
my 'tok penghulu' -tok Sanusi |
recycling please |
kids booth |
some of my colleague at Pejabat Daerah Port Dickson |
abg Din ngah aerobic niwh |
mcm kenal instructor niwh.. |
time to bersihkan pantai |
mud ball |
time to baling mud ball ke laut |
x melepaskan peluang tok campak mud ball |
event malam |
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laser show