Teringin sangat nak tgk teater, so for the first time, yune & i go to watch teater.. suma niwh idea yune lah (my sister). Dia sanggup jejauh sampai ke putrajaya g beli tiket. The seat that she chose was nice seat. Very near with the stage, so sangat puas hati tgk citer niwh.
Agaknya yune x biasa tgk teater & may b this kind of teater was not her type. During the show, she
fell asleep, while i'am so eager to watch what will go next and next , that was a good show. i like it so much. Especially during the prop that move in here & there. Nice & smooth.. sronoklah tgk citer nih. Pelakon dia pun memainkan watak mereka ngan cukup baik. diorg msti sangat penat, bayangkan lah on 1 day, kena buat 2 show & one show makan masa hampir 3 jam.. fuhh!!! sure penat punya. but for all it was
great show & i feel awsome n rasa nak tgk lagi.. hehe congratz to all actor and actress in
Natrah especially fo Eirma Fatima.. Nice Show. Love it!
Macam lebih kurang je muka |
tetibe sesat satu yang Moden |
Above are some pict before we went inside to watch the theater. Ramai gler yang nak amek gambar ngan diorg, disebabkan artis yang sebenar xder, so gambar diorg pun jadi lah kan.. hehe
candid picture that make the girl to close her eyes |
-best tengok Fiz fairuz Berlakon- |
The Director in the black blouse! big applause for her! |
This time nak blek dah, tp saje take another pict for kenangan |
kalau lah aku bley berlakon macam diorg.. tp berangan jer lebih |
Me as usuaL |
with KLCC background |
Sebelum blek tuh sempat lagi singgah KLCC jap, yer lah dekat jer pun IB ngan KLCC, both of us that time lapar giler, so kitaorg decide, we should go to have some meal, so drove trough KLCC and go to their food court n terus g makan, tanpa singgah tempat len , after dah kenyang kitaorg pun terus melangkah pulang, maklumlah hari pun dah malam, sok i pun nak keja nak kena drive to PD, so memanglah x g jejauh after makan tuh. So far for ALL that sunday it was the best sunday that we had spend together to release our tension after gone through all the tough week.. thanks for yune for the nice day., Rasa bahagia n happy sangat.. TQ (^-^)"
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