
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fairly Legal

Ok, this is another one of my favorite series .. Since chuck dah wrap up all their series ( it was sad plus sad ending too! because sarah have lost her memories and forgot who chuck was) .... Naaa takmau dah lah citer pasal chuck nih... kali nih nak citer pasal "Fairly legal" plak...

Citer nih not bad jugak, slalunya kita tgk, citer mcm nih it always about them become a lawyer, going to the court and settle their client dispute.. Ok but not this kind of series.. citer nih beza sikt (which the reason i  eager to watch it) .. Citer nih tentang this lady (the green one) , si sarah shahi act as Kate Reed , she's the one who become the mediator or "pengantara" which to settle the case out of court.. kira macam guna org tengah gitu lah.. Menariknya about this series, she's brilliant, licik, and have a superb and gila2 punya assistant which is Leo..she have a lot of ideas on how to settle her case. Kadang judge just bagi one day jer pun, dia boley settlekan case.. Gile Terer!!! *nampak mcm tipu kan?*

Jalan citer pasal legal2 nih suma lebey kurang jer, but the method she used in this series are different which make "fairly legal" become great and awsome to watch!!! Kalo korang x minat xperlah, no hal.. but for me, citer nih beeeesssssssttttt! hahahahahah.. sbb dia bukan sekadar hiburan jer but also can gain knowledge.. itu yang penting beb... ! "knowledge are everywhere just the way we capture it make us different" So njoy ur thursday evening everyone.


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